Died and gone to heaven Aebleskivers

October 05, 2018

I eat healthy most of the time, I really do. I love green smoothies and big garden vegetables full of fresh, leafy vegetables.

But that 5% of the time. Well. You have to make it worth it! I want food that is worth the calories! When I share a gluttonous recipe (like this one), trust me, the calories are worth it.

Now let me introduce you to my little friend, the aebleskiver! Never heard of it you say?
I hadn't either until I tried one at a friend's baby shower and never looked back. It's like a bite-sized cross between a beignet and a funnel cake (without all the grease) disguised as a suitable breakfast option.

The best part about aebleskivers is the options! You can eat them plain, with syrup, sprinkled with powdered sugar or stuff them with bacon, chocolate chips, apples, huckleberries, etc. Cut them in a half and spread a little jam on them or drizzle them with Nutella.

You DO need an aebelskiver pan to make these. I have THIS ONE and THIS ONE.  It's a little easier to limit the amount of butter needed in the second one but they both work great. 

Because it's a cast iron, dab a little butter (or a lot of butter) in each cavity before pouring the batter in.
Hope you enjoy this unique and fun 'breakfast' treat!

2 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
2 cups buttermilk
3 eggs, separated


Sift together flour, salt and baking soda. Add buttermilk and egg yolks. Beat egg whites until light and fluffing, forming soft peaks. Gently fold egg whites into batter.

Heat Aebleskiver pan on medium heat. Place a small piece of butter in each cavity. 
When it has melted and starts to sizzle, fill cavity with 2/3 full of batter. 
Cook for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 minutes per side until golden brown, flip using a skewer or toothpick. The tricky part is flipping them. Once the top of the Aebleskiver is covered in bubbles, similar to cooking pancakes, you want to flip them. Once flipped, push in the edges a bit. Takes a few tries, but you'll get the hang of it!

Optional: To add filling, fill the cavity with batter and drop in ingredient. Push down with toothpick until you no longer see the filling. Flip as normal and continue cooking.

Optional Fillings: chocolate chips, fruit, peanut butter, nutella, marshmallows, jam, etc.

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